Online advertising
We can consult and assist the development of complete advertising campaigns. We create advertising campaigns on websites such as, and others.
We offer assistance during Facebook Ads and Google AdWords implementation.
We offer assistance during Facebook Ads and Google AdWords implementation.
National business conferences organization
We bring together the forces able to generate local growth, efficiency and new businesses in the main regions of Romania. We focus on networking, people, models, information and ideas, use of new technologies and financing instruments.
International economic missions
We support the expansion of Romanian companies with potential for internationalization. We offer opportunities to explore foreign markets, to understand new markets penetration mechanisms for Romanian products, to connect with peers and create partnerships that can turn into profitable businesses.
Web projects
We create various types of web pages, platforms and instruments. We are ready to approach different web projects, from websites creation to e-shops implementation. We can help you in creating your own professional and efficient online business card.
Arhipelago Interactive face parte din Consorțiul ERBSN (Eastern Romanian Business Support Network). Acesta este membru al rețelei Enterprise Europe Network și include 9 organizații partenere care oferă servicii organizațiilor interesate din România.
Cele mai importante servicii oferite de Consortiul ERBSN clientilor sai interesati de internationalizare si inovare vizeaza: Internaționalizare, Organizare de misiuni economice, Accesare fonduri europene, Consultanță privind legislația europeană, Feedback privind legislația UE.